Sometimes i wonder why i like to wear lingerie. As far as i am concerned it has always been this way. I remember as a kid me and my friends were given some discarded clothes to use for dressing up as pirates or whatever, and in this pile there was a girdle and an pair of dark blue frilly grannyknickers which i adored. I also remember borrowing the swimsuits from my sisters Barbiedolls and putting them on my Actionman and getting excited. And the first time i had an ejaculation i was wearing panties, and when i try to remember it seems clear that i was dressing in ladies underwear before reaching puberty. Psychologists classifies this as Transvestic Fetischism which is a Paraphilia. In my country this no longer classifies as a disorder and the medical authorities have removed transvestic fetischism from the list of illnesses that should be treated.
So why did this happen?
Is it in the genes, is it because of lack of oxygen at birth or did something happen to me early in my childhood? I don´t know, but i would like to have a clue. And please don´t get me wrong, i´m not looking for a cure. I´m fine. But there must be a reason for me using female underwear.
Some might say it is to "get in touch with my feminine side" and thats bullshit.
I don´t believe that i need to wear different clothes to be able to listen, be caring and symphatetic and do the washing.
Maybe it´s just as simple that lingerie is more exciting?
Maybe whole loads of guys don´t know what theyre missing? Also, lots of women choose not to wear sexy lingerie and wear comfy cuts and natural fibres and sporty designs.
Thats great. Everyone should wear what they like. And you must admit i´m looking great in this picture...