Friday, 26 November 2010

Celebrating two years of blogging in suspenders!

Dear readers:
The next week it´s been two years since i started this blog. It´s been two very fulfilling years, because sharing my sexual identity with you made me grow as a person and become stronger and more confident. Most of all, it was a part of saying no to shame and yes to the person i am and my sexuality. As you know, i use the term Transvestic Fetischism a lot. It is because the term applies to me and there is no other word to describe it.
I take pleasure in dressing in ladies underwear and assuming a feminine sexual role, and i also experience pleasure when someone likes to see me dressed. I think this is a great thing. To be able to turn shame into joy is wonderful. There are not many people who get this opportunity, and to combine this with sexual satisfaction is even bigger. Also, there is a large boost to ones ego when someone else enjoys a picture or a film of oneself. I wish more persons, regardless of preferences, could be able to explore and express their sexuality like i have been these last two years.
It´s been great, thanks!
So i made a comic strip about being Lacey... I think you will have to click on the pictures to read the captions properly.

Disclaimer: Some of the pics are more naughty than before. Proceed with caution.

It´s been two wonderful years of blogging in suspenders and panties and being Lacey.
I still don´t know what gave me the urge to dress in ladies underwear, the only thing i know is that it makes me feel so good and sharing this experience with you makes me feel even better.

XXX, Lacey

by the way... Since i started wearing ladies underwear i´m a much nicer person. Still arrogant, ironic and cocky, but never mean or cruel. My anger seems to have disappeared.